U.S. Hop Acreage Strung For Harvest Down 2 Percent from 2021
United States hop acreage strung for harvest in 2022 is forecast at 59,896 acres, down 2 percent from last year’s record of 60,872 acres. In Washington, the largest acreage State, 42,428 acres were strung for harvest, down 3 percent from the previous season. In Idaho, area strung for harvest was 9,440 acres, down 3 percent from 2021. Oregon hop growers strung 8,028 acres for harvest this season, up 9 percent compared to 7,395 acres last season.
The top five hop varieties strung for harvest in the United States this year were Citra R, Mosaic R, Cascade, Simcoe R, and
Columbus/Tomahawk R/Zeus (CTZ). These five varieties account for 54 percent of the total U.S. acreage.