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Dormant hop fields Mechanically cutting back roots Digging rhizomes to plant new fields Digging rhizomes to plant new fields Digging rhizomes to plant new fields Hop roots Crews get ready to string a hop field. Crews string a new hop field. Lots of team work to string hops together. Drip irrigation is efficient Water and other nutrients can be sent through the lines. Baby hops in a new field. Training hops to grow up the string. Growers plan cover crops to keep the dust down between rows. Hops do the majority of their growing in mid summer. Hop harvest Hop bines are cut from the trellises. Trucks waiting to enter the picker. Bines are hung on the lines to go into the picker. Bines entering the picker. Hop cones are separated from the bines. Hops come into dryer at around 65 percent moisture. Hops are dried down to 8-12 percent moisture. Crews work around the clock during harvest to ensure high quality hops.