The Idaho Hop Growers’ Commission (IHGC) was formed in 1955 to market and protect Idaho hops, and to conduct relevant research for their continued growth and health. Hops are grown in Northern Idaho, southern Idaho, and the Treasure Valley. Harvest begins in August and continues through the first of October.
The Northwest’s favorable climate, fertile soils, plentiful irrigation water, and multi-generational family farms have resulted in excellent quality and yields. Modern post-harvest storage and processing facilities in the region ensure the highest crop quality is maintained while supplying the brewing industry with virtually any product it desires.
IHGC Leadership
The Commission is led by a group of five growers elected by the membership. Grower members pay dues on the poundage of bales they produce.
• Brock Obendorf-Chairman
• Oliver Schroeder-Vice Chairman
• Nate Jackson
• Colbie Libsack
• Mark Hanson
IHGC Staff
Candi Fitch, Executive
Ann Jacops, Assistant
The Idaho Hop Growers’ Commission and growers understand the importance of ongoing research to keep the crop healthy and vital.
The Idaho Hop Growers’ Commission is a member of the Hop Research Council.
The Commission and growers support research on hop varieties, precision ag, water conservation and soil health.